
From Star Wars Legends to Current Canon: How are we doing? Is it expanded vs. extended?

From Star Wars Legends to Current Canon: How are we doing? Is it expanded vs. extended?

From 11/24/2014: “IT GIRL” Sabine Wren of #StarWarsRebels Has @SWAG_77

“IT GIRL” Sabine Wren has SWAG77

Witness the Will of the Social Media Roleplayers (RPers): Moses Ingram as Inquisitor Reva in Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+

Witness the Will of the Social Media Roleplayers (RPers): Moses Ingram as Inquisitor Reva in Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+

Disney Lucasfilm Star Wars Surfer Beach Party vs Us, SWAG77, the little guy fan group

Disney Lucasfilm Star Wars Surfer Beach Party vs Us, SWAG77, the little guy fan group

Protected: Strategic Social Media Plan For THRAWN By SWAG77 On Patreon

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The Walt Disney Corporation’s Values And Statements.

To us at the Star Wars Actors Guild 77 Fan Group, the themes mean that particular creative storytelling, concepts and entertainment has to be geared to an audience of all ages.

SWAG77 Main Programs

SWAG77 Main Programs


SWAG77 Meta: Sabine Wren Deserves The Darksaber.

From our family to yours: Merry Christmas from the Star Wars Actors Guild 77 (SWAG77)

From our family to yours: Merry Christmas from the Star Wars Actors Guild 77 (SWAG77)

SWAG77 Fan Art Attribution Addendum: Our Use Of Deepfake Technology

SWAG77 Fan Art Attribution Addendum: Our Use Of Deepfake Technology