
SWAG77 Article Analysis Report: Good Star Wars Shows

SWAG77 Article Analysis Report: Good Star Wars Shows

SWAG77 Patreon Thrawn X Sabine Meta: Movie Kisses History

How do movies capture a kiss throughout the ages? Do you remember your first kiss? Was it filmed? Before 1926, no movie from a major Motion Picture Studio had a deepened kiss in its movies. At this time, movies were still silent.

#RIP Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee died at his home at 93 years old. He played numerous roles over an extraordinary acting career. The most memorable one to Star Wars fans is in “Attack of the Clones” and part of “Revenge of the Sith” as the character, Count Dooku who was secretively the apprentice Sith Lord, Darth Tyrannus. HisContinue reading “#RIP Christopher Lee”

Isle Sanctuary Creative Artists Blog: Bluntly: Are you READY – for actors and screenwriters?

islesanctuary: A reprint from The Actors – J.D. Coburn To the neophyte actor, it would seem that with all of the horseshit everywhere in Hollywood, you’d expect – at some point anyway – to find a pony. For those of you who are wondering, all of that horseshit is spread around to deter everyone butContinue reading “Isle Sanctuary Creative Artists Blog: Bluntly: Are you READY – for actors and screenwriters?”