
Read Our Fanfictions – There Are 2 Types

black and red typewriter
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Stories matter. We write position papers (white papers), metas, headcanons, and fan fiction stories.

Some of our writings are controversial or adult in nature.

We separated our writings to a Patreon and SubscribeStar.

Patreon is mainly for our controversial subject matter. Controversial means we disagree with Star Wars fans. Some Star Wars fans are vehement about their fandom, and we write about it when we do not share their ideas.

The ideas in Star Wars range from our thoughts on being well-read from all the novels, books, references, and comics. Both Star Wars Legends (a part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (SWEU)) and the current canon (Disney canon). Since Disney purchased Lucasfilm, there are numerous reasons why they diverged from Legends. Lately, they cherry-pick from Legends to explain huge timeline plot discrepancies.

We write those ideas on Patreon, and its creators/writers might use adult content, but SWAG77 realizes when social media changes its rules in social media. It is why we will write more controversial content on this site.

We will write our fan fiction and adult fan art for SubscribeStar. It is a specific adult site for 18+ years old. Content here is for adults and not children. We write adult content in Star Wars because it is fun and gives a different point of view of the ideas in Star Wars. Our stories are explicit.

Both Patreon and SubscribeStar require a paywall, and very few items are for free. We must put it behind a paywall so that those who want to read the content can when they subscribe. We must protect ourselves from harassment and threats, and we know a paywall limits toxic behavior.

As for AO3, we are pulling most of our controversial and adult stories from that site because of the difficult rigorous behavior of their workers. SWAG77 cannot follow their constraints. They allow pornographic material, but not commerce opportunities for writers. Also, they have too much racism, sexism and same gender loving and transphobia on their site. There is fetishization amuck. But when harassed by asking questions of intent behind the meaning. Most writers are immature and underage, there is so much impropriety that SWAG77 know they will suddenly change the rules.

Best to have one-off or one-page stories and tell people to go to our website to further find details without referrals since AO3 does not permit paywall links. A thirty-day suspension indicates to us their actions are selective and cruel.

Visit our sites and peruse our articles and stories and find one to our liking and we appreciate your subscription.