
Headcanon: Reminisce & Memories


HEADCANON: As a toddler, I was born in a place like this on Csilla, equatorial region, underground, summertime. This is Felucia. (source)

Fanfic section: The Decadent Chiss and Reminiscence and Memories

Ras shakes his head as he angles to his mother, a beautiful Cerulean skinned woman with a short blue-black hair with small braided purple silk sections on the sides, and a head band that pulls the strays back. Raw’s and Ras’s father, a strong dark Cerulean skin and a strong jaw lifts Raw off the tail as his red-in-red eyes glisten to coddle Raw. “Now, Mitth’raw, you know better. Amt is only here to harvest the purple pollen for her hive, and then she and the Killiks leave. She can’t play with you all day.”

A hologram appears from a planetwide transmission from the huge grid-locked underground metropolis, Capsla.

“The Ascendancy has interpreted the threat to come from the Killik hive that threatens our species. The Killiks have shifted the position of our sun away from Csilla. There will be further expansion methane sheet ice into an ice-age climate, including the equatorial regions. We give all Decadent Chiss, twenty-four hours to evacuate before we will start our Operation Anti-Chiss Genocide. Any Chiss who harbors an Anti-Chiss, or appears to be a Joiner, will be quarantined and under Chiss biological protocols.”

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