
SW SWAG77 AU Fanfic HoloNet News Article

Alcyone Spiralshock Attacks
Emperor Palpatine Over Support of Arrested Teen Sabine Wren: “Palpatine
Needs to Stay Out”

While most Rebels eyes are on Avemut
Heat, Alcyone Spiralshock is turning the political tables on Emperor

The daughter of Old Galactic
Republic Senator Toncen Spiralshock had a strongly-worded message for the
leader of the Empire, which she publicized on her personal HoloNet blog.

“In case you missed it. The
Emperor invited Sabine Wren to visit the Imperial Coruscant Palace to
show the Emperor her homemade chromometer,” the 24-year-old wrote.

Teenage Mandalorian Sabine Wren came
to fame after she was arrested at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore after she
brought in a homemade chromometer that authorities mistook for a Mandalorian
detonator bomb. The 14-year-old was questioned by Stormtroopers for several
hours about the origins of the makeshift chromometer, which Wren continuously
said was a chromometer she made in her bunk that she brought in to show her
engineering teacher. She was handcuffed.

After news broke of the incident, Emperor
Palpatine holotweeted at Wren with an exclusive invitation to bring her
invention over to Imperial Coruscant Center.

Spiralshock expressed her concern
with the Emperor’s response, citing it as inspiration for further divide within
the country following a turbulence in human-alien relations.

“This is the kind of stuff Palpatine
needs to STAY out of,” the expectant mother wrote. “This encourages
more species strife that is already going on with the ‘Rebels Lives Matter’
crowd and encourages victimhood.”

Spiralshock continued with clear
support for the Stormtroopers who made the arrest.

“The Stormtroopers made a
mistake, clearly. But why put more people against them? Why egg it on?” Spiralshock
said, accusing the Emperor of instigation. “Childish games like this from
our Emperor have divided our galaxy…even more today than when he was

Comments like these against the Emperor
come as no surprise from Spiralshock, who spent much of her childhood life
among the Old Galactic Republic elite as the oldest daughter of the former Akiva
governor and later nominee for Vice Chancellor.

is also not the first time Spirlshock’s blog has sparked debate. She got into
trouble over an announcement revealing that she was pregnant for the second
time, at first calling it a “huge disappointment” and later changing
her tune.

“I made a mistake, but it’s not
the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume. This pregnancy was
actually planned,” Spiralshock wrote later.

Hopefully, she doesn’t change her
tune again this time.


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