
Star Wars Actors Guild 77 is a business first. That’s is how we role

First world problems. The Star Wars Actors Guild 77 is a business first. That is how the owner wants it. That’s what we do. Our motivation is to be a Business to Business service to movie production companies and publishing houses before the first cut to film or print. We can test the efficacy of a creative idea by social media performance and entertainment which is proprietary.

Our revenue, as tiny as it is is driven from sales at the moment until we can get a better deal and be remunerated appropriately. But for now, we have to sell T-shirts at Redbubble to support our creative ventures.

One idea was the “Corellian Jedi” that is a part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (SWEU) and is now no longer canon. TWO YEARS ago is was canon and we created 3 lines of T-shirts sold at our store for nominal costs.

TODAY the owner received this email from the distributor, Redbubble:

Reads in part:

We have removed the following content from Redbubble in response to past complaints from The Walt Disney Company, the claimed owner or licensee of related intellectual property and in accordance with Redbubble’s IP/Publicity Rights Policy:

Corellian Jedi creed: http://www.redbubble.com/works/show/9700653

Corellian Jedi T-shirt Game-1

For these images:

Trust me I'm a Corellian Jedi-2-4 Trust me I'm a Corellian Jedi-1 Corellian Jedi creed-2-1

It is one thing to IMEDIATELY EXACT IP when an item is posted, but for it to be on a site for 2 years and say nothing until a big corporation who cares little about the fans is another issue. Meh, typical of Disney.

But more to the fact… Disney will be using the “Corellian Jedi” concept in an upcoming production… After this incident, there’s no doubt in our minds.

Support us: http://bit.ly/SWStuffWAG77

Published by Star Wars Actors Guild 77

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